We’re grateful to provide fiscal sponsorship and administrative support to the grassroots activist projects listed below, and to dozens of others throughout our history.
Project Descriptions – Below, you can find a short description and contact email for all of our affiliated projects. For more information, just scroll down!
Anti-War/Anti-Drone Committee
The Anti-War Committee organizes rallies, marches, vigils, teach-ins, conferences, a speakers bureau, legislative action, media outreach, and other activities to end U.S. wars and occupations. To get involved, contact us at awc@thomasmertoncenter.org
Anti-War/Anti-Drone Committee
The Anti-War Committee organizes rallies, marches, vigils, teach-ins, conferences, a speakers bureau, legislative action, media outreach, and other activities to end U.S. wars and occupations. To get involved, contact us at awc@thomasmertoncenter.org
Pittsburgh Prison Book Project
Pittsburgh Prison Book Project is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization that sends free educational books and quality reading material to people incarcerated in Pennsylvania. Volunteer packing sessions are held throughout the month at various times. To get involved, and also see our calendar, visit the website at www.pghprisonbookproject.org
Pittsburgh for CEDAW
Pittsburgh for CEDAW aims to bring the Convention to End all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) to Pittsburgh to hold our city government accountable to the rights of all women. To get involved please email pgh4CEDAW@gmail.com and check us out on Facebook.
Human Rights Coalition Fed Up! Chapter
Fed Up! is the Pittsburgh chapter of the Human Rights Coalition dedicated to upholding the rights of prisoners. To get involved, contact Bret Grote at 412-654-9070 or hrcfedup@gmail.com
350Pittsburgh is the Pittsburgh chapter of the international 350.org movement, which aims to use grassroots organizing to run adaptive, locally-driven campaigns for meaningful action on climate change. For more information, visit our website or contact us at 350pittsburgh@gmail.com
Pennsylvania Poor People's Campaign
People coming together to confront the interlocking evils of systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, militarism and the war economy, and the distorted moral narrative of religious nationalism. We understand that as a nation we are at a critical juncture — that we need a movement that will shift the moral narrative, impact policies and elections at every level of government, and build lasting power for poor and impacted people.
Email: pennsylvania@poorpeoplescampaign.org
Website: https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/
Pittsburghers for Public Transit
Pittsburghers for Public Transit (PPT) is a grassroots union of transit riders, transit workers and neighbors fighting for more equitable, affordable, expanded transit in Allegheny County. For nearly 10 years, PPT was a project of the Thomas Merton Center. In the Fall of '21, PPT received its own 501c3 status. The Thomas Merton Center is proud to have been a home for this organization and we wish them the best of luck in their next chapter.
You can find out more about them at pittsburghforpublictransit.org
And you can donate to them here.
1256 Franklin Ave,
Pittsburgh, PA 15221